General Dental Articles

added on: May 16, 2023
Integrative Dental Wellness in Eldersburg, MD

National Sunscreen Day is celebrated every year on May 27th and is designed to raise awareness of the dangers that can come from getting too much sun, especially without the protection of sunscreen. But how exactly does this apply to your teeth, and why is your dentist in Eldersburg talking about… Read More…

added on: May 1, 2023
Integrative Dental Wellness in Eldersburg, MD

Perhaps the only bad thing about springtime is the allergies that often tend to go with it. Despite all the beauty that spring has to offer, it can also cause the body to respond to new allergens in the environment. This can cause us to feel itchy, stuffed up, and… Read More…

added on: April 20, 2023
Integrative Dental Wellness in Eldersburg, MD

You may have heard your dentist in Eldersburg talk to you about your bite. But what exactly are they talking about? What’s the difference between a good bite and a bad bite? Why does your bite even matter? Let’s take a look.  All About Your Bite  When your dentist in… Read More…

added on: April 4, 2023
Integrative Dental Wellness in Eldersburg, MD

Modern-day life has many of us feeling more stressed than ever. While certain levels of stress can benefit us in the short run, too much stress over too much time can negatively impact health and overall well-being. And, as your dentist in Eldersburg knows, our oral health isn’t immune to the… Read More…

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